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Warcraft 3 Infection Attack Walkthrough - Game Walkthrough

Warcraft 3 Infection Attack Walkthrough

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This video presents a walkthrough of a Warcraft 3 game in which the player is using an "Infection Attack" strategy. The video begins with a brief overview of the strategy, which involves using a powerful hero to slowly infect and infect enemy units. The video then goes into detail on how to build a successful strategy, showing how to use the hero to attack and infect enemy units, as well as how to use various spells to help in the battle. The video also demonstrates how to build up a powerful army of infected units to help the player in their attack. Finally, the video explains how to use the powerful hero to defeat the enemy and win the game. Overall, this video provides a comprehensive overview of the Infection Attack strategy, and would be suitable for both new and experienced players.

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