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"The Beginner's Guide: A Game That Will Leave You Feeling Guilty" - Game Walkthrough

"The Beginner's Guide: A Game That Will Leave You Feeling Guilty"

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Are you ready to experience a game that will challenge your emotions and leave you feeling guilty? Look no further than "The Beginner's Guide," a game that takes you on a journey through the mind of a game developer. In this video, dish takes you through the game and shares their thoughts and feelings about the experience.

As you navigate through the game, you'll encounter a variety of levels that are both beautiful and haunting. The game's creator, Davey Wreden, takes you on a journey through his own personal struggles and emotions, leaving you with a sense of empathy and understanding.

But be warned, this game is not for the faint of heart. It will challenge your perceptions of what a game can be and leave you questioning your own actions and motivations. dish's walkthrough of the game provides insight into the game's deeper meanings and themes, making it a must-watch for anyone who has played or is considering playing "The Beginner's Guide."

So, if you're ready to experience a game that will leave you feeling guilty, check out dish's video on "The Beginner's Guide" and prepare to be emotionally challenged.

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