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Let's Play Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition Gameplay #1 - Hrothgar - Playthrough Walkthrough PC HD - Game Walkthrough

Let's Play Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition Gameplay #1 - Hrothgar - Playthrough Walkthrough PC HD

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This video is a Let's Play of Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition for PC. It is the first part of a playthrough/walkthrough of the game, featuring the character of Hrothgar. The video shows a great overview of the game's visuals, which are rendered in high definition and look great. The narrator gives a helpful description of the game's mechanics and features, and provides tips and strategies for playing the game. The video also showcases some of the game's features such as magic, combat, and inventory management. Overall, this is an excellent Let's Play video that provides a great overview of Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition and should be watched by anyone interested in the game.

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