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US Military Invades Iran in Battlefield 3 - AFGuidesHD - Game Walkthrough

US Military Invades Iran in Battlefield 3 - AFGuidesHD

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In this intense gameplay video, AFGuidesHD takes us through the US invasion of Iran in Battlefield 3. The action-packed game follows a group of US Marines as they fight their way through enemy territory, facing off against Iranian soldiers and tanks. The stunning graphics and realistic sound effects make you feel like you're right in the middle of the battlefield.

As the Marines push deeper into Iran, they encounter fierce resistance from the enemy. The gameplay is fast-paced and intense, with plenty of explosions and gunfire. AFGuidesHD provides expert commentary throughout the video, offering tips and strategies for players looking to improve their skills.

Overall, this video is a must-watch for any Battlefield 3 fan. AFGuidesHD's expert gameplay and commentary make it an informative and entertaining experience. Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting out, you're sure to learn something new from this exciting video.

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