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RED FACTION GUERRILLA - Walkthrough Part 1 Gameplay [1080p HD 60FPS PC] No Commentary - Game Walkthrough

RED FACTION GUERRILLA - Walkthrough Part 1 Gameplay [1080p HD 60FPS PC] No Commentary

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#### New Title:

**"Red Faction Guerrilla - Epic Open-World Destruction and Intense Guerrilla Combat"**

#### Description:

In this thrilling gameplay video of Red Faction Guerrilla, you'll experience the ultimate open-world destruction and fast-paced guerrilla-style combat. Set in a massive open-world environment, you'll join the rebel movement known as Red Faction to liberate Mars from the oppressive Earth Defense Force. With true physics-based destruction, you'll have the power to reshape the world around you as you fight for freedom. Immerse yourself in the action-packed adventure of Red Faction Guerrilla and unleash chaos like never before.


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