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100 Floors - Levels 1 to 10 Walkthrough by i3Stars - Game Walkthrough

100 Floors - Levels 1 to 10 Walkthrough by i3Stars

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Are you stuck on the first ten levels of 100 Floors? Don't worry, i3Stars has got you covered with their comprehensive walkthrough video. This video will guide you through each level, providing tips and tricks to help you solve the puzzles and progress to the next floor.

Starting with level one, i3Stars demonstrates how to use the elevator to access the next floor. They then move on to level two, where they show you how to use the torch to light up the room and reveal the hidden clue. As the levels progress, the puzzles become more challenging, but i3Stars is there to help you every step of the way.

By the time you reach level ten, you'll have a better understanding of the game mechanics and be ready to take on the more difficult levels. So, if you're struggling with the first ten levels of 100 Floors, be sure to check out i3Stars' walkthrough video on

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