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TMNT 2: Battle NexusPC - 100% Speedrun in 3:26:58 - Former WR - Game Walkthrough

TMNT 2: Battle NexusPC - 100% Speedrun in 3:26:58 - Former WR

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In this thrilling speedrun of TMNT 2: Battle NexusPC, Veekron takes on the challenge of completing the game with a 100% completion rate in an impressive time of 3 hours, 26 minutes, and 58 seconds. This run, which was previously the world record, showcases Veekron's exceptional skills and knowledge of the game.

Throughout the video, Veekron executes precise movements, flawlessly navigates through complex levels, and strategically defeats enemies, all while collecting every hidden item and completing every side quest. The speedrun is a testament to Veekron's dedication and expertise in TMNT 2: Battle NexusPC.

As the timer ticks down, the tension builds, and viewers are on the edge of their seats, witnessing the incredible speed and precision with which Veekron conquers each challenge. The video serves as both entertainment and a source of inspiration for aspiring speedrunners, showcasing the potential for mastery in this beloved game.

Whether you're a fan of TMNT 2: Battle NexusPC, a speedrunning enthusiast, or simply someone who appreciates impressive gaming skills, this video is a must-watch. Join Veekron on this epic journey through the game, and witness the determination and talent required to achieve a former world record in this challenging speedrun.

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