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"Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil - Erebus Level 1 Walkthrough on Nightmare Difficulty" - Game Walkthrough

"Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil - Erebus Level 1 Walkthrough on Nightmare Difficulty"

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In this video, HTW takes on the challenge of navigating through the first level of the Erebus facility in Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil on Nightmare difficulty. The level, known as Main Excavation, is filled with demonic enemies and treacherous terrain, making it a difficult task for even the most skilled players.

HTW provides expert commentary and tips throughout the video, offering advice on how to effectively use weapons and tactics to take down the various enemies encountered along the way. The video also showcases the stunning graphics and immersive atmosphere of the game, making it a must-watch for fans of the Doom franchise.

Whether you're a seasoned player looking to improve your skills or a newcomer to the series, this walkthrough is sure to provide valuable insights and entertainment. So grab your shotgun and get ready to take on the forces of hell in Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil - Erebus Level 1.

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