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[Aventure #3] Prince of Persia 3D (Dreamcast) partie 1/2 (non commentée) - Game Walkthrough

[Aventure #3] Prince of Persia 3D (Dreamcast) partie 1/2 (non commentée)

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This video shows the first two parts of the game "Prince of Persia 3D" for Dreamcast. The game is an action-adventure game set in a 3D environment. The player takes the role of a prince who must save the princess from the evil Jaffar. The game features a variety of puzzles and enemies to overcome.

The graphics of the game are well done, with realistic environments and character models. The controls are quite simple and intuitive, allowing the player to easily navigate their way through the game.

Overall, the game is an enjoyable experience for fans of the genre. It is a great game for those who want something a bit different from the standard action-adventure game. The visuals, sound, and gameplay are all well done, making it an enjoyable experience.

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