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Sherlock Holmes: The Persian Carpet Mystery - Part 6: Inside the Victim's Room - Game Walkthrough

Sherlock Holmes: The Persian Carpet Mystery - Part 6: Inside the Victim's Room

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In this thrilling installment of "Sherlock Holmes: The Mystery of the Persian Carpet," join Arglefumph, also known as The Nancy Drew Dude, as he delves into the perplexing case of the Persian carpet. As the investigation progresses, Sherlock Holmes finds himself inside the victim's room, a crucial location that holds vital clues to unraveling the mystery. With his keen eye for detail and sharp deductive skills, Holmes meticulously examines the room, searching for any evidence that could shed light on the identity of the perpetrator. Will Holmes be able to uncover the truth hidden within the victim's room? Join Arglefumph on this captivating journey filled with suspense, intrigue, and mind-bending puzzles. Get ready to immerse yourself in the world of Sherlock Holmes as you witness his unparalleled brilliance in action. Can you solve the Persian carpet mystery alongside the legendary detective? Tune in to find out!

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