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Complete Another World: 20th Anniversary Edition with this 100% Trophy Guide by rus199410 - Game Walkthrough

Complete Another World: 20th Anniversary Edition with this 100% Trophy Guide by rus199410

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In this video, rus199410 provides a comprehensive walkthrough for Another World: 20th Anniversary Edition, ensuring that players can achieve a 100% completion rate and earn all of the game's trophies. This guide covers every aspect of the game, from the basic mechanics to the more complex puzzles and challenges that players will encounter. With rus199410's expert guidance, players will be able to navigate the game's intricate levels and overcome its many obstacles with ease.

Another World: 20th Anniversary Edition is a classic platformer that has been remastered for modern audiences. The game follows the story of Lester Knight Chaykin, a young scientist who finds himself transported to a strange and dangerous alien world. With no weapons or allies, Lester must use his wits and his agility to survive in this hostile environment and find a way back home.

This video guide is an invaluable resource for anyone who wants to experience the full depth and complexity of Another World: 20th Anniversary Edition. With rus199410's help, players can explore every corner of this fascinating game and uncover all of its secrets. Whether you're a seasoned gamer or a newcomer to the world of platformers, this guide is sure to enhance your experience and help you achieve a 100% completion rate.

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