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LEGO Harry Potter Years 5-7 100% Guide: Unveiling Dark Times House Crests and Character Tokens - Game Walkthrough

LEGO Harry Potter Years 5-7 100% Guide: Unveiling Dark Times House Crests and Character Tokens

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Video by: packattack04082

Are you struggling to find all the House Crests and Character Tokens in LEGO Harry Potter Years 5-7? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we take you on a magical journey through the darkest times in the wizarding world. Join us as we uncover the secrets of Dark Times House Crests and unlock the elusive Character Tokens.

With over [insert duration] minutes of captivating gameplay and expert commentary, this video will help you conquer even the most complex challenges. Whether you're a seasoned wizard or a first-year student, our step-by-step instructions and insider tips will ensure your success.

Explore iconic locations like the Forbidden Forest, the Ministry of Magic, and the Room of Requirement as you collect House Crests and discover hidden Character Tokens. Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of LEGO Harry Potter as you unravel the mysteries of the Dark Times.

Don't miss out on this essential guide for all LEGO Harry Potter fans! Watch the video now on - Game Walkthrough, your ultimate destination for video game assistance. Let the magic begin!

Total length: [insert duration]

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