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Sherlock Holmes: The Persian Carpet Part 9 - Drawing Conclusions, The Final Chapter - Game Walkthrough

Sherlock Holmes: The Persian Carpet Part 9 - Drawing Conclusions, The Final Chapter

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In this captivating video, Arglefumph, also known as The Nancy Drew Dude, takes us on a thrilling journey through the conclusion of the Sherlock Holmes adventure, "The Mystery of the Persian Carpet." As the mystery deepens, Holmes and Watson must use their deductive skills to draw conclusions and uncover the truth behind the enigmatic Persian carpet. With his signature wit and analytical prowess, Arglefumph guides us through the intricate plot twists and suspenseful moments, keeping us on the edge of our seats until the very end. Join us as we unravel the final pieces of the puzzle and witness the brilliant mind of Sherlock Holmes at work. Get ready for an unforgettable conclusion filled with suspense, intrigue, and unexpected revelations. Don't miss out on this captivating video walkthrough that will leave you craving for more mysteries to solve.

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