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Portal Stories: Mel - STORY MODE - Full Walkthrough - Game Walkthrough

Portal Stories: Mel - STORY MODE - Full Walkthrough

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"Portal Stories: Mel - STORY MODE - Full Walkthrough" is a video game created by Prism Studios. It is an adventure game set in the world of Aperture Science. The player takes on the role of Mel, a former test subject of Aperture who has been granted access to the facility and is tasked with solving puzzles and navigating her way through the various chambers. The game features a variety of puzzles and challenges, as well as the ability to use the Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device to navigate the environment. The game also features a variety of characters, from the mysterious "Rat Man" to the AI, Wheatley. The game has a unique art style and a great soundtrack. The full walkthrough in the video showcases all of the levels and puzzles, as well as providing tips and strategies for completing them. It is a great resource for anyone looking for help in the game and is sure to provide hours of fun.

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