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Official Angry Birds Rio Walkthrough: Jungle Escape Level 4-15 - Game Walkthrough

Official Angry Birds Rio Walkthrough: Jungle Escape Level 4-15

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In this official Angry Birds Rio walkthrough, we'll show you how to beat Jungle Escape Level 4-15. This level takes place in a dense jungle, with plenty of obstacles and challenges to overcome. You'll need to use your birds' unique abilities to navigate through the level and take out all the pesky pigs.

To start, aim your first bird at the wooden structure on the left side of the screen. This should take out the first pig and cause the structure to collapse. Next, use your second bird to take out the pig on the right side of the screen. You'll need to aim carefully to avoid hitting the TNT box, which will cause a chain reaction and take out the rest of the pigs.

If you're having trouble with this level, don't worry – it can be tricky! Just keep practicing and experimenting with different bird angles and trajectories. With a little patience and persistence, you'll be able to beat Jungle Escape Level 4-15 and move on to the next challenge. Good luck!

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