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SteamWorld Quest Gameplay Walkthrough - Episode 1 - Hand of Gilgamech! - Game Walkthrough

SteamWorld Quest Gameplay Walkthrough - Episode 1 - Hand of Gilgamech!

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SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech is a turn-based RPG from Image & Form Games. In this first episode of the game, players get to explore the world of SteamWorld, meet the characters, and take on their first quest.

The game features a colorful and vibrant art style that truly brings the world to life. The character designs are detailed and full of personality. The music also adds to the atmosphere, with a mix of lighthearted tunes and intense battle themes.

Gameplay-wise, SteamWorld Quest is a traditional turn-based RPG. Players explore the world, talk to NPCs, and take on various quests. Combat is fast-paced and strategic, with a variety of cards and abilities at your disposal.

Overall, SteamWorld Quest is a fun and charming RPG that offers an enjoyable experience. The bright visuals, strategic combat, and engaging story make it a great game for RPG fans.

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