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Hitman: Absolution - Stealth Walkthrough - Shadow Suit Only - Part 1 Prologue - Game Walkthrough

Hitman: Absolution - Stealth Walkthrough - Shadow Suit Only - Part 1 Prologue

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In this gripping video, Centerstrain01 takes us on a thrilling journey through the prologue of Hitman: Absolution. With a focus on stealth gameplay, the video showcases the incredible skill and precision required to complete the level without being detected or leaving any evidence behind. Centerstrain01 expertly navigates the shadows, utilizing the shadow suit to its full potential, ensuring that no one is safe from his deadly intentions. As the tension builds, viewers are treated to a masterclass in silent takedowns and strategic planning, as Centerstrain01 executes his mission with ruthless efficiency. Whether you're a fan of the Hitman series or simply enjoy watching skilled players tackle challenging games, this video is a must-watch. Prepare to be captivated by the intense action and meticulous attention to detail as Centerstrain01 embarks on this stealthy adventure.

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