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Metal Gear Solid 1 - Normal Playthrough - No Commentary - Game Walkthrough

Metal Gear Solid 1 - Normal Playthrough - No Commentary

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Metal Gear Solid 1 is an iconic 1998 stealth action-adventure game developed by Konami for the PlayStation. It follows the story of Solid Snake, a veteran soldier sent to infiltrate a nuclear weapons facility and stop a terrorist threat. The game features great visuals, well-crafted levels, and an engaging story. The gameplay is focused on stealth, with players sneaking around opponents and using gadgets to stay undetected. The game also features numerous boss battles and puzzles that must be solved in order to progress. The soundtrack and voice acting are both excellent, adding to the atmosphere of the game. Overall, Metal Gear Solid 1 is an excellent game that still stands as one of the best in the genre. It is a classic that is still enjoyable today.

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