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BORDERLANDS 3 Full Gameplay Walkthrough (No Commentary) 1080p HD 60FPS 【PART 1 of 2】 - Game Walkthrough

BORDERLANDS 3 Full Gameplay Walkthrough (No Commentary) 1080p HD 60FPS 【PART 1 of 2】

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This video provides a full playthrough of the video game "Borderlands 3" without any commentary, in 1080p HD and 60fps. The video starts off with the gameplay tutorial and the player can quickly become familiar with the controls and mechanics. It then leads into the main story mission, which involves exploring the planet Pandora and fighting enemies. The visuals are vibrant and colorful and the combat is fast-paced and engaging. The player will also come across various weapons, items and loot while they progress through the game. Overall, this video is a great way to get a feel for the game and see what it has to offer.

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