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"Semper Fidelis" Mission Walkthrough for Battlefield 3: Xbox 360, PS3, and PC - Game Walkthrough

"Semper Fidelis" Mission Walkthrough for Battlefield 3: Xbox 360, PS3, and PC

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In this video, theRadBrad takes us through the first mission of Battlefield 3, "Semper Fidelis." As a member of the US Marine Corps, the player must navigate through the streets of Tehran to secure a nuke from the hands of the PLR. With stunning graphics and intense gameplay, this walkthrough is perfect for those looking to improve their skills or simply enjoy the story. Watch as theRadBrad provides helpful tips and tricks for each section of the mission, including how to effectively use cover and take down enemies. Whether you're a seasoned player or new to the game, this Battlefield 3 walkthrough is a must-watch.

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