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Super Meat Boy - 106% Walkthrough - Game Walkthrough

Super Meat Boy - 106% Walkthrough

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Super Meat Boy is a classic platformer released in 2010 for the Xbox 360. This video is a 106% walkthrough of the game, showcasing all the levels, bosses, and secrets. The game is incredibly challenging, requiring you to have quick reflexes and great timing. The levels are designed with precision and require you to master the controls in order to progress. The bosses are especially tough and require you to utilize any weapons or abilities you've picked up throughout the game. The secrets are hidden throughout the levels, and can be quite tricky to find. This walkthrough will show you exactly how to get all the secrets and complete the game. The visuals are great and the soundtrack is awesome. Overall, this is a great platformer and one of the best of its genre. If you're a fan of classic platformers, then Super Meat Boy is definitely worth checking out.

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