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Darksiders 2 Walkthrough - Part 1 Death Lives Let's Play PS3 XBOX PC ( Gameplay / Commentary ) - Game Walkthrough

Darksiders 2 Walkthrough - Part 1 Death Lives Let's Play PS3 XBOX PC ( Gameplay / Commentary )

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Darksiders 2 is an action-adventure game that takes you on an epic quest to save humanity. The game is set in post-apocalyptic Earth and follows the story of the Horseman of Death. In this walkthrough series, you will join Death on his journey as he embarks on a mission to restore the balance between Heaven and Hell. Throughout the game, you will battle enemies, explore dungeons, and solve puzzles. The game features an open world environment with a variety of weapons and abilities to choose from. The game also includes a variety of side quests and challenges to complete. The visuals are impressive with detailed environments and characters. The game has a great soundtrack that adds to the game’s atmosphere. With its engaging story, intense action, and beautiful visuals, Darksiders 2 is a must-play for any fan of the genre.

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