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100 Crypts Levels 21-25: Complete Walkthrough Guide - Game Walkthrough

100 Crypts Levels 21-25: Complete Walkthrough Guide

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If you're stuck on levels 21-25 of 100 Crypts, don't worry, we've got you covered. In this complete walkthrough guide, we'll show you how to solve each puzzle and escape from the crypts.

Starting with level 21, you'll need to use your logic and observation skills to figure out the correct sequence of symbols to unlock the door. Level 22 requires you to find hidden objects and use them to solve the puzzle, while level 23 challenges you to match the correct colors on a grid.

Level 24 is one of the trickiest levels in the game, as you'll need to navigate a maze while avoiding deadly traps. Finally, level 25 will test your memory skills as you try to remember the correct sequence of symbols to unlock the door.

With our step-by-step instructions and helpful tips, you'll be able to complete these levels and move on to the next set of challenges in 100 Crypts. So, grab your thinking cap and get ready to escape the crypts!

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