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Defeating the South Pacific Boss - Puna in Tomb Raider 3 - Game Walkthrough

Defeating the South Pacific Boss - Puna in Tomb Raider 3

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In this thrilling video from Stella's Tomb Raider Site, we dive into the intense battle against the South Pacific Boss - Puna in Tomb Raider 3. Join Lara Croft as she navigates through treacherous terrain and faces off against this formidable foe. With her trusty weapons and quick reflexes, Lara must strategize and find the weak points of the boss to emerge victorious. Watch as she utilizes her acrobatic skills and clever tactics to overcome the challenges that lie ahead. This action-packed video is a must-watch for any Tomb Raider fan looking to master this particular boss encounter. So grab your controller and get ready for an adrenaline-pumping adventure in Tomb Raider 3.

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