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American McGee's Alice FULL GAME Longplay (PS3, X360, PC) - Game Walkthrough

American McGee's Alice FULL GAME Longplay (PS3, X360, PC)

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American McGee's Alice is an action-adventure game released in 2000 for PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 platforms. The player takes control of Alice, a young girl who must battle her way through a twisted version of Wonderland to save her sanity.

The game features a dark, gothic art style and unique gameplay elements such as shrinking and growing Alice to solve puzzles. The combat system is fast-paced and relies heavily on Alice's ability to use her environment to her advantage. There is also an array of weapons and power-ups to help Alice in her quest.

The story takes place in a dream-like version of Wonderland, where Alice must confront her own inner demons as well as the horrors of the world. The game is full of puzzles, platforming sections and intense boss battles.

Overall, American McGee's Alice is an excellent game for fans of action-adventure titles. It is a classic example of the genre, with its unique art style, fast-paced combat and interesting puzzles. Whether you are new to the game or a veteran of the series, American McGee's Alice is sure to provide a great gaming experience.

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