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Mass Effect Full Game Walkthrough - No Commentary (Longplay) - Game Walkthrough

Mass Effect Full Game Walkthrough - No Commentary (Longplay)

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This video is a full walkthrough of the video game Mass Effect, with no commentary. It starts with a cinematic introduction to the game, which is a science fiction action role-playing game developed by Bioware and released in 2007. The protagonist of the game is Commander Shepard, a soldier who is tasked with saving the galaxy from a powerful ancient race known as the Reapers.

The video then follows Commander Shepard as they explore the various planets, meet different characters, and complete missions. There are a variety of weapons and abilities available to Shepard which can be used to defeat enemies and progress through the game. The game also features an in-depth dialogue system, allowing for meaningful conversations with characters.

Overall, this video is an excellent walkthrough of the Mass Effect game, and it's perfect for anyone who wants to experience the game without the commentary. It's a great way to get an overview of the game and see all its features in action.

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