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Tomb Raider 3 Speedrun - Glitchless River Ganges in 2:16 - Game Walkthrough

Tomb Raider 3 Speedrun - Glitchless River Ganges in 2:16

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In this thrilling Tomb Raider 3 speedrun, chreden takes on the challenging level of The River Ganges without using any glitches. With precise movements and expert timing, chreden navigates through treacherous terrain, deadly traps, and formidable enemies to complete the level in an impressive time of 2 minutes and 16 seconds.

The River Ganges level is known for its intricate design and multiple paths, making it a true test of skill for any Tomb Raider player. chreden showcases their extensive knowledge of the level, utilizing advanced techniques and clever strategies to optimize their speed and efficiency.

Throughout the speedrun, chreden demonstrates exceptional control over Lara Croft, executing precise jumps, grabs, and climbs with ease. Their mastery of the game mechanics allows them to seamlessly traverse the level, avoiding unnecessary detours and maximizing their speed.

As the speedrun progresses, chreden encounters various obstacles and enemies that stand in their way. With quick reflexes and strategic thinking, they overcome these challenges, showcasing their adaptability and resourcefulness. Every move is calculated, every action deliberate, as chreden strives for the fastest time possible.

Whether you're a fan of Tomb Raider, a speedrunning enthusiast, or simply appreciate the skill and dedication required for such feats, this glitchless speedrun of Tomb Raider 3's River Ganges level is sure to captivate and inspire. Join chreden on this adrenaline-fueled adventure and witness the mastery of one of gaming's most iconic franchises.

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