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Fallout Shelter PC - Ep. 1 - Fallout Shelter Vault #314 - Let's Play Fallout Shelter PC Gameplay - Game Walkthrough

Fallout Shelter PC - Ep. 1 - Fallout Shelter Vault #314 - Let's Play Fallout Shelter PC Gameplay

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In this episode of Fallout Shelter PC, we join our host in Vault #314 as they embark on their journey of exploring the Fallout Shelter PC game. The host takes us through the basics of the game, such as setting up the vault, dealing with disasters, and taking care of the inhabitants of the vault. The host also covers more advanced topics, such as weapon and armor customization, and the use of the workshop to craft upgrades for the vault. Overall, the video does a great job of introducing the game and providing a comprehensive overview of its features.

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