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Half-Life 2: Episode 1 - Full Game Walkthrough【60FPS】 - Game Walkthrough

Half-Life 2: Episode 1 - Full Game Walkthrough【60FPS】

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Half Life 2: Episode 1 is a first-person shooter game developed by Valve Corporation and released in 2006. The game is a sequel to the original Half Life 2, and continues the story of the protagonist, Gordon Freeman.

The game is set in the dystopian world of City 17, where Gordon is tasked with fighting off the Combine forces and uncovering the truth behind their sinister plans. Players must use a variety of weapons and gadgets to defeat their enemies, while solving puzzles and navigating the city's perilous environments.

This full game walkthrough is presented in 60FPS, giving a detailed look at the game from start to finish. It showcases all of the game's most memorable moments, from explosive shootouts to intense puzzle-solving. The walkthrough also features commentary from the developer, offering insight and tips for players.

Overall, Half Life 2: Episode 1 is a thrilling and engaging first-person shooter game, with plenty of action and puzzles to keep players on their toes. This full game walkthrough is perfect for those wanting to experience the game from start to finish, as well as those looking to learn more about the game and its mechanics.

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