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Assassin's Creed Odyssey: Poseidon's Judgement Walkthrough Part 1 - Game Walkthrough

Assassin's Creed Odyssey: Poseidon's Judgement Walkthrough Part 1

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In this exciting video, TetraNinja takes us on a journey through the first part of the Judgement of Atlantis DLC in Assassin's Creed Odyssey. As we follow the protagonist on their quest to uncover the secrets of the lost city of Atlantis, we encounter new challenges and enemies, including the powerful god Poseidon himself. With TetraNinja's expert guidance, we navigate through the treacherous waters of this mythical world, battling foes and solving puzzles along the way. Whether you're a seasoned Assassin's Creed player or a newcomer to the series, this walkthrough is sure to provide hours of entertainment and insight into the game's rich lore. So grab your controller and get ready to dive into the depths of Atlantis with TetraNinja!

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