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Duke Nukem 3D Hollywood Holocaust: Complete Walkthrough by BigMacDavis - Game Walkthrough

Duke Nukem 3D Hollywood Holocaust: Complete Walkthrough by BigMacDavis

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In this video, BigMacDavis takes us through the first level of Duke Nukem 3D, Hollywood Holocaust, with a 100% completion rate. Duke Nukem 3D is a first-person shooter game that was released in 1996 and quickly became a classic. The game is set in a dystopian future where aliens have invaded Earth, and the player takes on the role of Duke Nukem, a tough-as-nails hero who is humanity's last hope.

The Hollywood Holocaust level is the first level of the game and is set in a Hollywood movie studio that has been taken over by the aliens. The level is full of hidden secrets, and BigMacDavis shows us how to find them all. He also demonstrates how to defeat the various enemies that the player will encounter, including pig cops, alien troopers, and flying drones.

Throughout the video, BigMacDavis provides commentary and tips on how to play the game effectively. He also shares his thoughts on the game's design and how it has held up over time. Whether you're a fan of Duke Nukem 3D or a newcomer to the game, this video is a must-watch for anyone looking to master the Hollywood Holocaust level.

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