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Doom II Map20: Gotcha! - 100% Walkthrough by BigMacDavis - Game Walkthrough

Doom II Map20: Gotcha! - 100% Walkthrough by BigMacDavis

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In this video, BigMacDavis takes on the challenging Map20 of Doom II and provides a 100% walkthrough. The level, titled "Gotcha!", is known for its tricky layout and difficult enemies. However, with BigMacDavis's expert guidance, viewers will learn how to navigate the level and defeat all of the enemies while collecting all of the items and secrets.

Throughout the video, BigMacDavis provides insightful commentary and tips on how to approach each section of the level. He also showcases his impressive skills as he takes down the various enemies, including the infamous Arch-Vile.

Whether you're a seasoned Doom player or a newcomer to the game, this 100% walkthrough of Doom II Map20 is sure to provide valuable insights and strategies. So grab your shotgun and get ready to take on the demons of "Gotcha!" with BigMacDavis as your guide.

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