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Shrek Forever After FULL GAME Movie Longplay (PS3, X360, Wii, PC) - Game Walkthrough

Shrek Forever After FULL GAME Movie Longplay (PS3, X360, Wii, PC)

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Shrek Forever After is the fourth installment of the beloved Shrek movie series. This game follows the popular characters, Shrek and Fiona, as they embark on a new adventure. The game features the same classic side-scrolling platform gameplay, challenging puzzles, and creative levels that fans have come to love. The main objective of the game is to defeat Rumpelstiltskin and save the kingdom from his evil rule. Along the way, Shrek and Fiona will also face new enemies and allies, while they explore new locations and collect powerful items. The graphics are colorful and vibrant, and the soundtrack is upbeat and catchy. All in all, Shrek Forever After is a fun and entertaining game that is sure to please fans of the Shrek series.

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