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Temple of Trials (Tutorial) Walkthrough/Guide - Fallout 2 - Game Walkthrough

Temple of Trials (Tutorial) Walkthrough/Guide - Fallout 2

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This video is a walkthrough guide for Fallout 2's Temple of Trials. It is a comprehensive tutorial for those who are new to the game, as it provides detailed instructions on how to complete the Temple of Trials quest. The video starts by giving a brief overview of the quest, including the location of the temple and the rewards you will receive for completing it. It then goes on to explain the various puzzles you will need to solve in order to progress through the temple. This includes how to open locked doors, how to use various items, and how to find the exit. The video also covers how to deal with the enemies you will encounter along the way. The video provides clear instructions and visuals, making it easy to understand and follow. Overall, this video is an excellent resource for those looking to complete the Temple of Trials quest in Fallout 2.

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