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Fallout 3 Walkthrough Part 2 - Exploring Megaton - Game Walkthrough

Fallout 3 Walkthrough Part 2 - Exploring Megaton

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In this second part of the Fallout 3 walkthrough series by GameRiot, we dive into the bustling town of Megaton. As the name suggests, this settlement is built around a massive unexploded atomic bomb, and it's up to the player to decide whether to disarm it or let it detonate.

The video begins with a brief recap of the previous episode, before the player character heads into Megaton to explore its various shops, quests, and characters. We see the player bartering with traders, picking locks to access hidden areas, and engaging in combat with raiders and mutants.

One of the highlights of this episode is the quest "The Power of the Atom," which involves deciding the fate of Megaton's bomb. The player can choose to disarm it for a reward, or rig it to explode for a different reward. The consequences of this decision ripple throughout the game, affecting various characters and factions.

Overall, this Fallout 3 walkthrough is a great resource for players looking to fully explore the game's world and story. GameRiot's commentary is informative and entertaining, and the video quality is top-notch. Whether you're a veteran player or a newcomer to the series, this walkthrough is sure to provide valuable insights and tips.

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