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Sherlock Holmes Video Games - The Mystery of the Persian Carpet - Pt.5 - Game Walkthrough

Sherlock Holmes Video Games - The Mystery of the Persian Carpet - Pt.5

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As for the description, based on the given title, here's an informative description (at least 530 characters long):

"Join AyaAnnyGaming in the thrilling fifth part of the Sherlock Holmes Video Games series, as they unravel the enigmatic case of The Mystery of the Persian Carpet. Immerse yourself in the captivating world of detective work as Sherlock Holmes and his trusted companion, Dr. Watson, navigate through intricate puzzles, hidden clues, and suspenseful twists. Follow their journey as they uncover the truth behind the mysterious Persian Carpet and bring justice to the perpetrators. Get ready for an immersive gaming experience filled with suspense, deduction, and thrilling gameplay. Don't miss out on this exciting installment of the Sherlock Holmes Video Games series!"

Please note that the description is written in English, as per your request. Let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with.

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