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Psychonauts FULL GAME 100% Longplay (PS4, XBOX, PC) - Game Walkthrough

Psychonauts FULL GAME 100% Longplay (PS4, XBOX, PC)

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Psychonauts is an action-adventure video game developed by Double Fine Productions and released in 2005. The game follows the story of Razputin Aquato, an aspiring psychic secret agent, as he attempts to join the international psychic espionage organization known as the Psychonauts. Players explore the Psychonauts' training facility, navigating through various mental worlds and collecting psi-powers to progress.

This full game longplay of Psychonauts for PS4, XBOX, and PC is a comprehensive playthrough of the game from start to finish. The player navigates Razputin through the game's various levels, using his psychic powers and platforming skills to progress. The game's visuals and music are faithfully recreated, and the player's progress is documented with captions and commentary.

Overall, Psychonauts is an enjoyable and challenging platformer with an interesting story and unique gameplay. This full game longplay is a great way to experience the game from start to finish, and it is recommended to anyone interested in playing this classic game.

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