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Elden Ring - Walkthrough Part 1: Getting Started in the Lands Between - Game Walkthrough

Elden Ring - Walkthrough Part 1: Getting Started in the Lands Between

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Elden Ring is an upcoming action role-playing game developed by FromSoftware. In this walkthrough, we take a look at the opening moments of the game and explore the Lands Between. The video begins by showing off some of the beautiful visuals as we make our way through the game's world. We get to see some of the enemies we'll face and learn about the different weapons and magic we'll have at our disposal.

In addition, we get to see some of the game's features including the dynamic weather system, day and night cycles, and how the game handles loot and crafting. We also get a look at how the game handles exploration and how players will interact with NPCs.

Overall, this walkthrough gives us a great look at what to expect from Elden Ring. With its stunning visuals, deep combat system, and dynamic world, it looks like it's going to be an incredible experience.

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