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PC Longplay [605] Runaway 2: The Dream Of The Turtle - Game Walkthrough

PC Longplay [605] Runaway 2: The Dream Of The Turtle

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PC Longplay 605 Runaway 2: The Dream Of The Turtle is a classic adventure game released in 2006. The player takes on the role of Brian Basco, a young man who is on a quest to find his missing girlfriend Gina. Along the way, he encounters a variety of characters and solves various puzzles to progress the story. The visuals are vibrant and colorful, and the soundtrack is upbeat and catchy. The gameplay is a mix of exploration and puzzle solving, which makes for a fun and engaging experience. The puzzles are clever, and the characters are all likable and memorable. Overall, Runaway 2: The Dream Of The Turtle is a great adventure game that will keep players hooked from start to finish. Highly recommended.

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