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LEGO City Undercover Walkthrough Finale - To the Moon and Back - Game Walkthrough

LEGO City Undercover Walkthrough Finale - To the Moon and Back

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In this thrilling finale of the LEGO City Undercover walkthrough, join packattack04082 as he takes you on an epic adventure to the moon and back! As the story reaches its climax, our hero faces his toughest challenges yet, navigating through treacherous terrain and outsmarting cunning enemies. With his trusty LEGO tools and quick thinking, he must uncover the truth behind a mysterious plot that threatens the entire city. Will he be able to save the day and bring the criminals to justice? Watch this action-packed video to find out! Packed with intense action sequences, mind-bending puzzles, and hilarious moments, this LEGO City Undercover walkthrough finale is a must-watch for all LEGO and gaming enthusiasts. So buckle up and get ready for an unforgettable journey to the moon and back!

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