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Angry Birds Seasons Abra-ca-Bacon 2-12: 3-Star Alternate Walkthrough - Game Walkthrough

Angry Birds Seasons Abra-ca-Bacon 2-12: 3-Star Alternate Walkthrough

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This video, created by AngryBirdsNest and hosted on, offers an alternate walkthrough for level 2-12 of Angry Birds Seasons Abra-ca-Bacon. The goal of the level is to defeat all the pigs and earn three stars. The video provides a step-by-step guide on how to achieve this, including which birds to use and where to aim them. The alternate strategy presented in the video may be helpful for players who are struggling to pass the level using the traditional method. With clear and concise instructions, this video is a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their Angry Birds gameplay.

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