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The Sims 3 Island Paradise Producer Walkthrough - Game Walkthrough

The Sims 3 Island Paradise Producer Walkthrough

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This video is a walkthrough of "The Sims 3 Island Paradise" from the game's producer. It provides an overview of the game and some of the features that make it unique. The producer talks about the new world of Isla Paradiso, which features an array of beachfront property and new opportunities for exploration. Players can build and customize their own resorts, explore the depths of the ocean with a new diving skill, or traverse the open waters with a boat. The producer also talks about the new Create-A-Style feature, which allows players to customize the look and feel of their Sims' homes and properties. All in all, "The Sims 3 Island Paradise" is a great expansion pack that adds a lot of new content and features to the game.

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