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METRO 2033 FULL Gameplay Walkthrough (METRO 2033 REDUX Walkthrough) - Game Walkthrough

METRO 2033 FULL Gameplay Walkthrough (METRO 2033 REDUX Walkthrough)

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Metro 2033 Redux is an intense and atmospheric first-person shooter set in a post-apocalyptic world. Players take on the role of Artyom, a survivor living in the ruins of Moscow's underground Metro system. The game follows Artyom’s journey as he struggles to survive in a world filled with mutants, bandits and other survivors. Players will have to use stealth, strategy and weapons to make it through the dangerous underground tunnels. The Redux version of the game adds improved graphics, lighting and gameplay to the original Metro 2033. The game also features an optional survival mode, where players must scavenge for resources and make their way through the Metro. Metro 2033 Redux is a must-play for fans of post-apocalyptic shooters and offers an intense and immersive experience.

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