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Icewind Dale longplay (no commentary) 1/3 - Game Walkthrough

Icewind Dale longplay (no commentary) 1/3

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Icewind Dale longplay (no commentary) 1 3 is a playthrough of the classic RPG game developed by Black Isle Studios and published by Interplay Entertainment in 2000. The game is set in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting and follows the adventures of a group of adventurers as they travel through the Icewind Dale region of Faerun.

The playthrough begins with the player creating their party of adventurers and customizing their stats. The party then sets out to explore the region, taking on quests and battling monsters along the way. The game features a wide variety of monsters, from goblins and orcs to dragons and beholders. The combat is turn based and features a variety of spells and abilities to use in battle.

As the party progresses through the game, they meet a variety of characters, from friendly merchants to powerful villains. Players can also find and equip a variety of weapons and items, as well as customize their characters with special abilities.

Overall, Icewind Dale longplay (no commentary) 1 3 is an enjoyable playthrough of a classic RPG. The game features a fantastic storyline, challenging combat, and plenty of customization options. Fans of RPGs should definitely check it out.

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