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Neighbours From Hell 2 - ALL Episodes [100% walkthrough] - Game Walkthrough

Neighbours From Hell 2 - ALL Episodes [100% walkthrough]

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Neighbours From Hell 2 is an enjoyable and challenging puzzle game. You play as a prankster who has to sneak into his neighbour's house and cause mischief. The game is divided into 15 episodes that get progressively more difficult as you progress.

Each episode presents you with a number of puzzles to complete. Your goal is to create chaos and havoc, without getting caught by your neighbour. The puzzles are varied and require you to use your wits, as well as your creativity. You will have to use items found in the house to cause mischief, such as setting off firecrackers or using a vacuum cleaner to suck up items.

The game features nice graphics and animations, as well as a catchy soundtrack. The controls are easy to use and the puzzles are challenging, but not too difficult.

Overall, Neighbours From Hell 2 is a fun and entertaining game that will keep you entertained for hours. If you're looking for a game that will test your brain and make you laugh, then this is the perfect game for you.

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