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Mortal Kombat Trilogy Extended: Alberto Blaze's Chameleon Walkthrough - Game Walkthrough

Mortal Kombat Trilogy Extended: Alberto Blaze's Chameleon Walkthrough

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In this video, Alberto Blaze takes on the challenge of playing through Mortal Kombat Trilogy Extended as Chameleon. Chameleon is a unique character in the game, as he can morph into any of the other ninjas in the game, each with their own set of moves and abilities. This makes for an interesting and dynamic playthrough, as Alberto Blaze showcases his skills and knowledge of the game.

Throughout the video, Alberto Blaze provides commentary and tips on how to play as Chameleon effectively, as well as how to take on some of the game's toughest opponents. He also shows off some impressive combos and finishing moves, making for an exciting and entertaining viewing experience.

Whether you're a fan of Mortal Kombat Trilogy or just looking for some tips on how to play as Chameleon, this video is a must-watch. Alberto Blaze's expertise and enthusiasm for the game make for a fun and informative walkthrough that is sure to help you improve your skills and enjoy the game even more. So sit back, grab your controller, and get ready to learn from one of the best in the business.

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