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The Sims 3 Seasons Producer Walkthrough - Game Walkthrough

The Sims 3 Seasons Producer Walkthrough

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The Sims 3 Seasons Producer Walkthrough is a great video for people who are interested in learning more about the popular video game franchise, The Sims 3. In this video, the game's producer walks viewers through the many features of the Seasons expansion pack for The Sims 3. He explains how the different seasons affect the gameplay, from the weather to the calendar, and also shows off some of the new items and activities that are available with the expansion. He also showcases the new social features that have been added with the Seasons expansion, such as the ability to throw seasonal parties and other events. The video is informative and entertaining, and is a great way to get an in-depth look at the new content that has been added to the game.

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