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Metro 2033 : Redux | Full Game | Longplay Walkthrough No Commentary 1080P HD - Game Walkthrough

Metro 2033 : Redux | Full Game | Longplay Walkthrough No Commentary 1080P HD

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Metro 2033: Redux is a stunning remake of the original game Metro 2033, released in 2010. The game offers a thrilling post-apocalyptic adventure that takes place in the underground Metro system of Moscow. Players take on the role of Artyom, a survivor of the nuclear war who must venture deep into the Metro to uncover its secrets and save the world from destruction.

The graphics of Metro 2033: Redux have been completely updated, with the game running at a smooth 60 frames per second and featuring improved lighting and shadow effects. The game also features an improved AI system, allowing for more dynamic and challenging enemies. The sound design has also been improved, with a deep and immersive soundtrack that adds tension and atmosphere to the game.

Overall, Metro 2033: Redux is an amazing remake that fans of the original game will appreciate. The improved graphics and sound design make the game an immersive and thrilling experience, while the improved AI system and additional content will keep players coming back for more.

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